Fiber and Cellular

With any of these rates you will enjoy:
- SYMMETRICAL OPTICAL FIBER: Same upstream and downstream speed.
- WIFI ROUTER IN ASSIGNMENT: No additional router installation fee. It will be delivered to the customer on assignment at €0 so that he can use it for as long as the service is active.
- PERMANENCE: Fiber service is subject to a 12-month permanence.
- MOBILE DATA SHARING50 GB of mobile data to share up to 3 lines to browse each month. What happens if you use up your gigabytes? You will be able to continue browsing at reduced speed at no additional cost. And if you want to continue surfing at high speed, you can subscribe to any of our extra Internet bonuses.
- UNLIMITED CALLS: All our contract mobile tariffs include unlimited calls to national landlines and mobiles 24 hours a day (without call set-up fee). Subject to reasonable use standards. If reasonable voice usage rules are violated (cell phone connection to SIMBOX, switchboards, etc.), the following rate will be applied: call establishment 0.30€, plus 0.10€/minute.
- Our fiber tariffs include a landline with unlimited calls to national landlines and 60 minutes to national mobiles with call establishment included in both cases.
- If you exceed the minutes included in calls to mobiles, the cost is 24.20 cents/min plus call establishment at 20 cents.
- Excluded from the landline service are premium rate numbers and premium services.
Geographic scope
Our mobile tariffs have no permanence.
If you travel to EU countries and/or some of the associated countries, you will be able to use your mobile tariff as if you were in Spain, i.e. you will be able to use your call minutes and browsing data in the same way as in Spain at no additional cost.
SMS are not included. The cost of SMS to national numbers is 30 cents/sms and SMS to international numbers.
Calls not included
Calls to premium services (901, 902, 70X, etc.), premium services, international calls and roaming outside the EU and partner countries are excluded.

Only Mobile
Unlimited calls to national landlines and mobiles 24/7 (no call setup fee). Subject to reasonable use standards.
Mobile data at high speed up to the maximum monthly contracted gigabytes. Subject to fair usage rules.
Geographic scope
If you travel to EU countries and/or some of the associated countries, you will be able to use your mobile tariff as if you were in Spain, i.e. you will be able to use your call minutes and browsing data in the same way as in Spain at no additional cost.
Registration in the Service does not imply a commitment of permanence.
SMS are not included.
This is a specific Service for interpersonal use and data traffic to and from Spain and Zone 1 (European Economic Area – EEA).
Unlimited calls. Calls to special tariff numbers (902, 901, 70X, 060, 0XY, 118AB…, among others) and premium rate numbers (905, 80X), roaming (Zone 2, Zone 3 and Special Coverage) and international (calls with national origin to another country), and Premium services are excluded. If the rules of reasonable use of voice are violated (connection of cell phone to SIMBOX, switchboards, etc.), the following rate will be applied: call establishment 0.30€, plus 0.10€/minute.
The cost of SMS to national numbers is 30 cents/sms and SMS to international numbers.
High speed mobile data in national territory up to the maximum contracted gigabytes to browse each month in the 20 Gb and 50 GB options respectively. In the UNLIMITED DATA option, a maximum usage and reasonable consumption limit of 200 GB (gigabytes) of mobile data per month is established. Once these thresholds have been reached, the Customer may continue to browse at reduced speed at no additional cost. And if you want to continue surfing at high speed, you can subscribe to any of our extra Internet bonuses.
The Client agrees to make a non-fraudulent, non-abusive and non-abnormal use of the services and benefits included in the Service as well as any other related services provided by COES TELECOM SOLUTIONS SL. The Client shall be liable before the competent authorities for any use other than the above that may cause damage or harm to COES TELECOM SOLUTIONS SL or third parties and in particular, for any use of COES TELECOM SOLUTIONS SL services for a purpose that differs from communications of a strictly personal nature, in the case of private customers, or that involves a resale or marketing of such services.
As consideration for the provision of the Service, the Customer is obliged to pay a monthly fee according to the contracted tariff. The indicated price includes the VAT applied in Peninsula and Balearic Islands (21%). The above price without VAT will be applied in Ceuta at 10% (IPSI), in Melilla at 8% (IPSI) and in the Canary Islands at 7% (IGIC).
Invoicing for services rendered shall be made at the beginning of each month and on a monthly basis. In the first invoice issued in accordance with the provisions of this clause, the monthly fee shall be prorated to adjust it to the date of contracting the Service.
Upon termination of the Service, the monthly fee will be prorated with no minimum to adjust it to the date of termination of the Service.
Without prejudice to any other uses that also imply a use different from that contemplated in these conditions, the following shall be considered uses contrary to good use, by way of example:
- Calls directed to numbers of call forwarding services, involving concentration or transformation of traffic as well as calls directed to 908 numbers, Intelligent Network numbers (special numbers: 0xy, short numbers, m2m numbers, etc.).
- Its use in switchboards, SIMBOX, massive call routers or other elements of concentration or transformation of traffic or designed for massive calls, traffic redirection services and/or in general constituting traffic sinks is expressly excluded and is considered a case of inappropriate use.
- The Customer may not resell the Service, nor may it commercialize it by obtaining a direct or indirect economic return from the commercial exploitation of the Service or any of its capabilities or functionalities.
- Nor may the possibilities offered by the service, in any of its options, features and facilities, be used for listening or remote surveillance purposes, as well as for any connection, regardless of its duration, without the purpose of active communication between individuals.
In case of network congestion, traffic corresponding to P2P and direct download portals may be given lower priority than other types of traffic.
- Pursuant to the European Roaming Regulation, if abusive or anomalous use is detected, a surcharge may be applied for traffic carried out in Roaming Zone 1 or EU Zone in the event of any of the cases described in the following paragraph and applying the control mechanisms based on the objective indicators described.
A use that exceeds the “reasonable use policy” will be considered to be: –
- Predominant presence and consumption in EU and EEA Roaming by the customer compared to domestic presence and traffic.
- Long SIM card inactivity associated with heavy roaming usage.
- Sequential acquisition and use of multiple SIMs by the same customer while roaming.
- The organized resale of SIM cards provided by COES TELECOM SOLUTIONS SL.
- Any use that is contrary to Spanish or European regulations. Such as any non-compliance with regulations on content, intellectual property, security, privacy, which is in force at the time of contracting the service.
In all the aforementioned cases (with the exception of point 5), as well as in any other cases that may also occur improperly or outside the particular communication purpose foreseen for the service, COES TELECOM SOLUTIONS SL reserves the right, both to suspend or definitively interrupt the Service, (if it so decides to make the reestablishment of the same subject to the client providing the guarantees requested by COES TELECOM SOLUTIONS SL), and to charge for traffic of any type (SMS, calls, data, etc.) that may occur outside the proper use of the Service, in which case it shall be charged at the standard pay-per-use price in force at any given time, without any reduction in the price associated with the Service or any other service associated with the Service.) that occurs outside the proper use of the Service, in which case it will be charged at the standard pay-per-use price in force at any given time, without any price reduction associated with the Service or any other promotion, traffic allowance or savings module that implies a reduction in the price of any current or future service.
The Client shall be liable before the competent authorities for the effective and proven damages, including reputational damages, arising from the breach (with fault or negligence) of its obligations under this contract or the infringement of the applicable regulations, when this favors, results in, assists or otherwise contributes to the commission of fraudulent actions against COES TELECOM SOLUTIONS SL and / or any third party. For these purposes, the Client shall refrain from any action (by action or omission) on its line or by other means that implies a use not contemplated in this contract of the same and of the related services provided by COES TELECOM SOLUTIONS SL. COES TELECOM SOLUTIONS SL may immediately suspend the service, if it confirms any serious breach by the Client of this obligation.
Apart from the above, and also given an improper use of the service as described above, in anticipation of similar future uses, COES TELECOM SOLUTIONS SL also reserves the possibility of assigning to the Client, upon prior notice to the same, the tariff modality most in accordance with the usage patterns manifested and without prejudice to any other that the latter may consider more convenient among those commercially available.
The unreserved acceptance of all these Conditions is indispensable for the provision of the Service.